miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008
¡Prodigy-man vuelve! // Prodigy-man returns!
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008
Rodaje con niños+el final de los sets / Filming with niños+the end of the sets
Ha terminado la primera semana de agosto y el rodaje de "Prodigy-man" se toma un descanso. Esta semana he filmado otro cameo con más amigos. También he filmado mis primeros planos con niños, Carles y Marc. Estuvieron sensacionales y los diálogos se los sabían mejor que yo. También he quitado el atrezzo de los sets. Me ha dado pena porque pasamos buenos momentos (y mucho calor) en los sets. Próximament publicaré unas fotos de esos sets. A finales de este mes, cuando algunos miembros del equipo acaben sus vacaciones, seguiremos con el rodaje. Hasta entonces os deseo un buen verano!
Este es el traje definitivo de Prodigy-man. Lo conseguimos después de varios días de compras en diferentes tiendas y 3 sesiones fotográficas de vestuario. Al final creo que mi ángel de la guarda me ayudó a conseguir la pieza final del traje. ¡ATENCIÓN!: Todos los que queráis dibujar el traje de Prodigy-man con vuestro estilo podéis hacerlo y enviarlo a esta dirección de e-mail: xavicristobal@gmail.com . Las medidas del dibujo deberían ser 720 x 576 píxels y una resolución de 72 píxels. Intentaré que todos los dibujos aparezcan en la escena final de los títulos de crédito del cortometraje "Prodigy-man" y sortearemos una camiseta de este superhéroe. Pueden participar niños, adultos y mayores. Esperamos vuestros dibujos.
This one is Prodigy-man's definitive suit. We obtain it after several days of purchases in different shops and 3 photographic meetings of wardrobe. Ultimately I believe that my angel of the guard helped me to obtain the final piece of the suit. ATTENTION!: you can draw Prodigy-man's suit with your style and you can make it and send it to this e-mail: xavicristobal@gmail.com. The measures of the drawing should be 720 x 576 píxels and a resolution of 72 píxels. I will try that all the drawings appear in the final scene of the end credit titles of the short "Prodigy-man" and we will avoid a vest of this superhero. Children, adult and all people can take part. We wait for your drawings.
Estos son los primeros diseños para el traje de Prodigy-man que hice antes de irme de tiendas a comprar el traje del superhéroe.
These are the first designs for Prodigy-man's suit that I did before going away of shops to buying the suit of the superhero.
También podéis ver varios diseños del traje de la supervillana Anita Apocalíptica.
Also, you can see some designs of the Anita Apocaliptica's suit, a very bad girl.
Al final éste fue el traje de Anita Apocalíptica.
At the end this was the Anita Apocaliptica' suit.
Aquí podéis ver varios diseños de los trajes de Michèlle Lefebre y el superhéroe, El Mosquetero Secreto.
Here you can see some designs of the suits os Michèlle Lefebre and the superhero, The Secret Musketeer.
Aquí podéis ver un diseño del General Justicia y Prodigy-man.
Here you can see a design of General Justice and Prodigy-man.
General Justice's logo
miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008
Prodigy-man: Logo
Prodigy-man's logo evolved of this first logo with degraded this logo with flat colors. Prodigy-man's vest also suffered a change and happened from black color to red. Albert Rodríguez versionó el logo con diferentes estilos y me dio ideas que me ayudaron a realizar el logo definitivo. ¡Gracias Albert!. Albert Rodríguez adapted the logo with different styles and gave to me some ideas that helped me to fulfil the definitive logo. Thank you Albert!.
Prodigy-man: Diarios // Journals
The plane of the airliner has finished. They have been several days monitoring the skies and hoping a plane. I have filmed several planes but none was what I wanted. I believe that my angel has been leaving tracks me up to removing to the definitive idea ... but now, if it does not matter for you, I will not tell it to you until the short should have the premiere. What yes I can say to you it is that one will see a plane.
Last week I was decorating two sets for the filming with the atrezzo that I have bought last days. It has been difficult but gratifying. For me to construct a set is like to construct a personage. The two have to have personality. When you see the short one I hope that you like. In addition I have placed different references to movies and comic-books acquaintances. To discover the details can be an enterteining game.
This last weekend we have returned to roll new scenes for the short-movie. The actors, Eli and Juanmi, were brilliant and I believe that they have good chemical. Pablo could not come because he was with flu and I had to do also of camera. At six o'clock we stop rolling because the lighting was different. If in " El secreto 1936 " we spend cold in "Prodigy-man" we are going to spend heat. I disguised myself a few minutes and almost I dehydrate myself … Well, I am exaggerating a bit. All that was Saturday. On Sunday only we roll two planes, with Monique and Jose Luis - that already they worked in “El secreto 1936 " - and with Mariano. I believe that they were useful very well their scanty seconds flatly and they have remained impressive. Already you will see them. I returned to disguise and returned to dehydrate myself again … Well, I return to exaggerate another little. Today I have gone for two more pieces of atrezzo and have continued designing the poster of the short-movie. To be continued.
Welcome to the diaries of pre-production, production and post-production of the short "Prodigy-man". Shortly the first diaries will turn out to be published. Thank you for your attention.
Prodigy-man: Xavier Cristóbal – Trayectoria profesional // professional path
Xavier Cristobal- professional pathXavier Cristóbal was born on February, four, 1970. He graduated in Sciences of the Communication for the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has dealed different courses of infografía, script, accomplishment of cinema and television, cómics and graphical design and of web pages. He was employed six months at the area of accomplishment of the Telenotícies Migdia of TV3, Televisió de Catalunya. Nowadays He is employed at the producer Cromosoma, S.A. and at the magazines Quèfem and TVManía of the diary La Vanguardia, where publishes articles of cinema, games, internet and cinema. In the producer Cromosoma, S.A. he has touched almost all the aspects of the production of series of animation 2D and 3D. He has been employed at the series of " The triplets " and its spin-offs: " The boring witch " and "Las mellizas bebés", "Lila" and "Asha". Also he has done it in "Tom", "Juanito Jones", "Miniman", diverse pilots and some advertising spots. The short " The secret 1986 " is his début in the directio and production of shorts. "Prodigy-man" is his second short with actors as the director and producer.
Poderes de Prodigy-man // Powers of Prodigy-man
Prodigy-man puede volar, tiene superfuerza, es invulnerable y es muy veloz. También tiene visiones premonitorias de peligros inminentes. Se utiliza mucho sus poderes éstos se agotan y necesita descansar para recuperarlos.
Prodigy-man can fly, has superforce, is invulnerable and is very fast. Also he has indicative visions of imminent dangers. One uses very much his powers these become exhausted and he needs to rest to recover them.
Sinopsis de "Prodigy-man" // Synopsis of "Prodigy-man"
A man records with his camera a man fliying for the city of Barcelona. Rapidly the flying man turns into the topic of conversation of the citizens, the mass media, the politicians and the entire world. The mysterious flying man will be known by Prodigy-man's name and will turn into the superhero of the city. His origins go back to a worrying secret project created in 1936. Prodigy-man will discover soon that to play the role of a superhero has consequences. His girlfriend will leave it him because the superhero happens a little time with her and his power will weaken in the most inopportune moment.