miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009


THE BEGINNING: The movie "Prodigy-man" is born of my interest to the superheroes' comic-books and to famous icons as Superman, Batman and Spiderman. This movie is a product of entertainment directed all the public ones. Also it’s modest and ambitious at the same time. Modest because only it wants to entertain. Ambitious because its approach is of superproduction of Hollywood … but without money.
Albert Val is doing one 3D realist in order that you create Prodigy-man can fly for Barcelona. Also more persons have worked that in my first short film, "The secret 1936” (http://elsecreto1936.blogspot.com/ ). The preproduction and the filming have been more enterteining but also … more complex.

"Prodigy-man" is an honoring to all the persons (artists and not artists) that have worked and are employed at the industry of the superheroes' comic-books. Also it is an honoring to all those who have been employed at superheroes' movies. Now the supermen are fashionable but they entertain us from 1938, year in which Superman was born. My influences for "Prodigy-man" have been very varied. From comic-books of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-Men up to masterpieces as "Watchmen", "Batman, the Dark Knight ", "Elektra Assassin", "Marvels" or "Kingdom Come". From classics of the cinema like "Superman" or "Batman" up to more modern movies like " Superman returns ", "Batman Begins", "X-Men", "Hulk", "Daredevil", "Blade II", "Fantasctic Four" or "Hellboy".

I want to emphasize 15 superheroes' movies of the last 10 years (1999-2009) , the superheroes' movies of 2008 and 2009 because it have accompanied the creative process of "Prodigy-man". These movies are "Jumper", "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk ", "Hancock", " The Dark Knight", " Hellboy 2 ", "Santos", "Punisher","The Spirit", "Push", "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and "Watchmen". Also I want to mention the movie "REC", which influenced me enough while I was writing the script of "Prodigy-man".

STATISTICS OF THE FILMING: The filming of the movie "Prodigy-man" has lasted 56 hours, approximately. These 56 hours are distributed throughout 16 days. On these 16th days are distributed throughout two months and a half. The average of filming has been 4 hours every day of filming, though it has had days in which only we film 1 hour and other days we film 6 hours. More information at JOURNALS and SPECIAL EFFECTS.

LAURA LARSON, THE CONNECTION BETWEEN “EL SECRETO 1936” AND “PRODIGY-MAN”: The personage of Laura Larson I created it inside the phase of promotion of the short-movie " El secreto 1936 ". She was a journalist of television who was working for the informative one 1936NEWS and it was reporting of cinema. Also it reported on the filming and the premiere of the short-movie " El secreto 1936 " and interviewed his director Xavier Cristóbal.. Now Laura Larson works for another television channel and is the feminine protagonist of movie "Prodigy-man". Hereby she has turned into the connection between "El secreto 1936" and "Prodigy-man".

XAVIER CRISTOBAL’S PROFESSIONAL PATH: Xavier Cristóbal was born on February, four, 1970. He graduated in Sciences of the Communication for the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has dealed different courses of infografía, script, accomplishment of cinema and television, cómics and graphical design and of web pages. He was employed six months at the area of accomplishment of the Telenotícies Migdia of TV3, Televisió de Catalunya. Nowadays He is employed at the producer Cromosoma, S.A. and at the magazines Quèfem and TVManía of the diary La Vanguardia, where publishes articles of cinema, games, internet and cinema. In the producer Cromosoma, S.A. He has touched almost all the aspects of the production of series of animation 2D and 3D. He has been employed at the series of " The triplets " and its spin-offs: " The boring witch " and "Las mellizas bebés", "Lila" and "Asha". Also he has done it in "Tom", "Juanito Jones", "Miniman", some pilots and some advertising spots. He is currently working on the film 'Arrugas' , based on a comic-book by Paco Roca about Alzheimer's that was awarded in the Barcelona Comic Con. In the area of Alzheimer's, Xavier Cristobal has completed courses of specialized caregivers for people with Alzheimer's and geriatric centers address. Blogger man from 2006 with the blog about movies, television, comics books and videogames, http://1936visiones.blogspot.com/ . The short film " The secret 1936 " is his début in the direction and production of short movies. "Prodigy-man" is his first movie with actors as director and producer. Xavier Cristóbal's page is http://xaviercristobal.blogspot.com/

Approximate budget: (Atrezzo, wardrobe, catering, technical material) 1000 euros + illusion and professionalism of the team.

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